So You Want To Adopt?

Please Think Before You Leap

There are various situations to consider before adopting a life long friend. It can happen to the best of us. You see a gorgeous Labrador mix whose tail seems to be wagging just for you or maybe it is the fluffy pony begging for treats at the gate. You take one look, and the next thing you know, you're wandering down the aisles at the local farm supply store.

If you're like most of us, falling in love with a critter is easy. And no wonder! Adding a horse or donkey to your pasture or sharing your home with a friend can be one of life's greatest joys. Dogs, cats, and other pets give us unconditional loyalty and acceptance, provide constant companionship, and even help relieve stress after a hard day's work.

Adopting is a big decision. Animals require lots of time, money, and commitment-over 15 years worth in many cases. Pet ownership can be rewarding, but only if you think through your decision before you adopt a companion.


Things To Know

The fact that you're thinking about adopting from a rescue means you're a responsible and caring person. But before you make that decision to bring a four legged friend into your life, take a moment to think over these questions:


  • Why do you want to adopt? It's amazing how many people fail to ask themselves this simple question before they get a pet. Adopting a pet just because it's "the thing to do" or because the kids have been pining for a pony usually ends up being a big mistake. Don't forget that pets may be with you 10, 15, even 20+ years.
  • Do you have time? Dogs, cats, and other animal companions cannot be ignored just because you're tired or busy. They require food, water, exercise, care, and companionship every day of every year. Many animals in the rescue are there because their owners didn't realize how much time it took to care for them.
  • Can you afford another mouth to feed and care for? The costs of ownership can be quite high, especially if you are considering a horse. Training, veterinary care, grooming supplies, tack, food, and other expenses add up quickly!
  • Are you prepared to deal with special problems that a new animal can cause? Downed fences, flea infestations, scratched-up furniture, accidents from animals who aren't yet housetrained, and unexpected medical emergencies are unfortunate but common aspects of pet ownership.
  • Is it a good time for you to adopt? If you have young kiddos, for instance, you might consider waiting a few years before you adopt. Pet ownership requires children who are mature enough to be responsible. If you're a student, in the military, or travel frequently as part of your work, waiting until you settle down is wise.
  • Are your living arrangements suitable for the animal you have in mind? Animal size is not the only variable to think about here. For example, some small dogs such as terriers are very active-they require a great deal of exercise to be calm, and they often bark at any noise. On the other hand, some big dogs are laid back and quite content to lie on a couch all day.  When considering a horse, some seniors may need additional feed to stay fat and sassy or that cute donk with the long ears will need a dry lot and no grass in order to live his best life. Either way-be sure to do your research and ask a lot of questions so when you do choose an animal, it will fit into your lifestyle and your current setup.
  • Do you know who will care for your pet while you're away on vacation? You'll need either reliable friends and neighbors or money to pay for boarding or pet-sitting service.
  • Finally, are you prepared to keep and care for the pet for his or her entire lifetime? When you adopt a pet, you are making a commitment to care for the animal for his or her lifetime.


Get An dog For Life

Sure, it's a long list of questions. But a quick stroll through a horse or other animal rescue will help you understand why answering them before you adopt is so important.

Many of the rescue's homeless dogs are those that have been misunderstood or victims of irresponsible people who did not make them a priority. But there are even more horses and small critters at the rescue who were obtained by people who didn't think through the responsibilities of ownership before they got the animal.

Please, don't make the same mistake. Think before you adopt. Sharing your life with a companion dog can bring incredible rewards, but only if you're willing to make the necessary commitments of time, money, responsibility, and love-for the life of the animal

If you're ready to adopt a companion for life, please click the links above at the top of the page to see a sample of our many wonderful dogs available for adoption at the Whiskey Ridge Rescue.

If someone tugs at your heart and you would like to meet him or her, please fill out an Adoption Application.

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